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Implementation of innovative sensor networks in cross-border regions

Project description

The two-year CleverNet project "Implementation of innovative sensor networks in cross-border regions" aims to support small and medium-sized cities in the conceptual implementation of innovative sensor networks and subsequently to help the systematic use of the obtained data. At the same time, small and medium-sized companies are included in the project as project partners, engaged in installing sensory technologies and supporting the development of the Smart City concept. Their goal is to obtain information about the needs of cities.

Project objectives and results

A key motivation for the project was that while in the commercial realm investment in sensor networks is judged by return, for public services economics is not the primary goal; it aims at certainty (regularity and reliability, e.g. of public transport links, the offer of free parking capacity), at the quality of the service (e.g. health care) and its availability (non-discrimination).


The support consists in the preparation of methodological recommendations on how to proceed in the construction of sensory networks, the preparation of a model of the organization of competences in the Smart City concept, supporting CBA analysis and others.


The intention is to create a catalog of sensor network use cases and their appropriate application in public sector investments. The aim of the Catalog is to familiarize users with the possibilities of today's technologies and their application in practice, especially in digital models and digital planning of the state, regions, cities and municipalities.


At the same time, as part of the project, a so-called "living laboratory" is being built in the city of Žilina, where a sensor network has been installed on a pilot basis and a data platform provides various data on traffic, parking, climate and heating islands. The univerzity UNIZA and consultancy CityOne worked out various recommendation and measures for the city of Žilina.  

More detailed information can be found on the web platform of the project CleverNet .

Basic data
Interreg VA Slovak Republic – Czech Republic
Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Overall budget
EUR 408,121.72
EU financial support
EUR 480,143.20
EU, ERDF, Interreg VA SK-CZ
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