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For the project NextLevel Parking ( we have delivered in the form of Data as a Service an initial step of the future digital parking twin of the city of Žilina; zone monitoring of parking demand in the frame of residential parking regulation extension. The key challenge of the project NXTLVL Parking is a support and management of more efficient, greener and more sustainable urban mobility through PUSH and PULL measures. The main goal of the project is to decrease the number of vehicles in the city centre and improve alternative mobility availability by enhanced use of parking management. 

Žilina residential parking

Digital twin of parking

Modern parking policy is based on informed/data driven measures tackling more significant influences at once:

  • parking coefficients, i.e. how a city is being developed (advanced cities have a parking coeffcient 1.0 vehicle per appartment or lower) 
  • capacity vs occupancy, i.e. offer vs demand, how often the vehicles travel, potential for car sharing services 
  • residential parking fee modelling - flexible charging based on visitor parking demand during the day 

Cities generally lack data on appropriate parking coefficients, parking capacity and occupancy, resident vs. transit traffic volumes, or data to evaluate the sustainable mobility measures in place. 

Digitalisation in the form of zonal monitoring

Digitalisation in the form of zonal monitoring will allow the introduction of flexible parking charging according to demand, to determine the real modal split of the number of trips, to evaluate existing parking capacities, traffic load or visitor occupancy rates, etc. The digital twin of parking is thus a standard tool for addressing parking policy, also with regard to Green Deal requirements and the promotion of sustainable mobility. 

About the system 

The system provides information and analysis of parking demand and parking space utilisation "online". The system can be extended with navigation information signs. The system produces detailed data on traffic volumes or occupancy of parking spaces every 5 minutes, allowing comparisons among parking places or e.g. times and occupancy rates. This is used to be able to set thresholds and run traffic control scenarios or send event notifications to the appropriate staff via SMS or email, produce long-term reports, identify trends or assess the impact of traffic organisation measures.

Project parameters

Project duration

05/2023 - 04/2026

Funding programme

Interreg Central Europe

Total budget

2,51 mil. Euro

EU co-funding


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